the end
no, really, the end.
i find it interesting that these end at the beginning. by all means, go to the first day and read it from the start.
Then, humongous lapse, go and check out Brain Tattoo
Thanks and enjoy,
as vivid and specific as it is random and erratic, this is my writing
no, really, the end.
i wanted to wake up yesterday and attend a church service in brooklyn. i don't know what it was going to be about exactly, and in all honesty, i suppose i didn't really care. the point was that i was going to go soley because it was Dr. King Day. i figured church was a good place to be in lieu of community service or orchestrating my own non-violent protest somewhere. however, in waking up an hour before church, i realized that it was only the sense of obligation that was to take me there, and not the purpose of King Day itself. i was only going to go to church out of the selfish desire to make myself feel better about having done something on the holiday, about having done something morally standing based on my own standards and personal philosophy.
Labels: culture
As I write this, I have George Benson's "Everything Must Change" playing through the Ipod earphones. It's blend of violins and smooth piano jazz makes for a soundtrack that can only be described as my "autumn solemness". Most times it's subconscious, but at other times, people ask about my inexplicable pensive expression. I quietly laugh to myself. Shouldn't I? There is something utterbly humbling about life when it is measured in it's fullness, if such a thing is possible. It's a remarkable moment, a frozen instant in time, when one's mind is allowed to simply wander - away from the responsibilities, away from the concerns, and away from the obligations. To wander away from the structure of cultural life and into the random beauty that is nature, that is reality. Inspiration is grand. The solitude of life, which can be so intimidating, is in it's very essence, liberating and impactful. I have grown to cherish the strike of a guitar string just as much as I can reverence the sight of wind. Look hard. Close your eyes. The soundtrack has now moved on to Pink Floyd's "Shine On You Crazy Diamond". And with a twist of fate, and a touch of God's hand, I can witness augmentation within my own soul. The elegance of tears is complimentary to the enchantment of laughter, and neither should be overlooked when contemplating the truth of life. Our expressions define us as much as our experiences do. Our view of living is shaped by our mindset, and our personal beliefs. Our love is molded with the caring fingertips of destiny, and the meticulous eye of eternity. The force that runs through you, runs through me too; hence, I mean it when I say, "yeah, I feel you". They say strength is overrated, but that's because "they" are strong. But when it comes to us, we have to do everything we can to hold on. And so, we must never overlook the aspects of life that make it worth living. The grace of our very being is found in the interstices of our wandering mind.
so, once again, i am the youngest person at my job. not just the youngest teacher, but the youngest out of everybody, including custodians, paraprofessionals, and cafeteria staff. i thought that, maybe, just maybe, turning 23 this year would grant the opportunity for some poor 21 or 22 year old to skate in and take the position, but alas, all of our new teachers are older and have more experience.
I just called Papa Johns to order a pizza, and they told me they didn't have any garlic sauce.
i've always considered myself to be a movie buff, and as such, people have often asked why i haven't pursued something in entertainment. possibly a film critic, or acting. the truth is, i don't watch every movie that comes out, and i tried the acting thing - let's just say that it's not really for me.
sadly, it's 3:30 in the morning, and the only reason i'm still awake is becasue i don't feel like taking out my contact lenses.
how does a person grow?
today i had the strongest urge to holla at a woman as she was crossing the street. and by that, i do not mean a holla like that of subtly asking for her phone number, or giving her an "excuse me miss, what's your name..." no. by a holla, i mean that i was down the block as she was crossing the street, and i genuinely wanted to shout at her. i actually had to refrain myself from simply yelling at her whatever came to mind. and "excuse me" cannot be yelled. or if it could, i couldn't bring myself to yell it in that setting. on the contrary, i had the intense passion to yell, at the very least "hey!" to this woman. but even then, truth be told, i would have added on a "yo", "shawty", or a simple "come here".
on my first day of grad school this quarter, i left my bookbag in the classroom by mistake. realizing that "something's missing" feeling, i walked back to class, confident that it was still there. it was only a few minutes after class, and no other class was coming in behind us, so sure it had to be there. yet, as i entered the room, i found that my professor was going through my bag in an attempt to find out who's it was. unfortunately, and unknowingly to myself, all that was in my bag was a pair of boxer briefs.
i just figured it out. my idea of an ideal night is a large pizza, a movie, and my pajamas. yet, it's difficult finding the women into that because all of them are at home with large pizzas, watching movies in their pajamas.
on a recent trip to a "dancehall", i found myself amongst a trio of sorts. it was actually something of a methodical orgy. this young woman had successfully interwoven three gentleman to her fancy, switching them betwen genres of dance as she saw fit. needless to say, i was one of them. but the most peculiar thing, was that either none of us were aware, OR all of us were aware. and in hindsight, i lean to believe it was the latter of those two choices.