Wednesday, January 24, 2007

the end

no, really, the end.

i find it interesting that these end at the beginning. by all means, go to the first day and read it from the start.

Then, humongous lapse, go and check out Brain Tattoo

Thanks and enjoy,

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

what do i know?

i wanted to wake up yesterday and attend a church service in brooklyn. i don't know what it was going to be about exactly, and in all honesty, i suppose i didn't really care. the point was that i was going to go soley because it was Dr. King Day. i figured church was a good place to be in lieu of community service or orchestrating my own non-violent protest somewhere. however, in waking up an hour before church, i realized that it was only the sense of obligation that was to take me there, and not the purpose of King Day itself. i was only going to go to church out of the selfish desire to make myself feel better about having done something on the holiday, about having done something morally standing based on my own standards and personal philosophy.

it was going to be a forced celebration.

forced like the excitement shown at your 15th birthday party, when you would much rather be at the movies with your puppy love. forced like the smile you give people that you like, but smell bad. forced celebration. so, i rested and made progress in my personal and professional life.

yet, in doing so, i was able to tell some white counterparts what MLK is actually about. some really don't know that it is about the community service, and had never heard of the "day on, not a day off" slogan. it makes me think, what information do i take for common knowledge because of my unexposure to other cultures and regions around the world? what is it that i think people should know, but don't. in atlanta, you better at least say you WANT to to do some community service on MLK day, or at least a creative excuse as to why you're not out helping the people. but to not know what the day is about at all?! i don't know.

i'll have to comment more on this once it marinates some. the custoidan is blasting the radio outside of the classroom i'm highjacking internet from. not having the web at home sucks.

have a good day.
