Monday, November 21, 2005

momma's words

first off, everyone should go read [spurt]'s comment on the "two types of people: vacation package" blog. not that it's necessarily indicative of what i was trying to say, but it's a very interesting read nonetheless.

secondly, and lastly i think, i would like to share something i learned through my momma. she and i were talking about sex the other day - i don't know why or how, but that's not the point. during the conversation though, she went on a brief tangent that brought me to a new thought. she was talking about a guy from her past, saying "the way he cooked, and the way he dressed turned me off...". after saying this, she started telling me about how to properly bathe a woman.

but her comment got me to thinking...women are sexually affected throughout the course of everyday life! and i put the exclamation point there because, yes, this was a revelation to me. women are turned on, or off, by the life of a man, and not just what takes place in the bedroom. a man, on the other hand, can easily look past a woman's highlights or flaws once the lights are dimmed and the pendegrass comes on. it doesn't matter to us. all that matters is the bedroom. it's such a stark difference.

but it makes so much more sense. a woman pays so much more attention to detail and specifics than men do, generally speaking. so yes, they should naturally be affected by more aspects of life than men are. how a man walks, dresses, speaks, reacts, smells, writes, brushes his hair, ties his shoes, pronounces his vowels, treats his momma - all impacts what type of ass they're getting that night, if any!

for men, and i'll take the liberty for speaking for us all here, we don't generally care. our bedroom life is a touch of a button and a pull of a lever. touch the button, pull the lever. touch the button, pull the lever. a woman, as this revelation has led me to believe, is touch the button, pull the lever, twist the knob, flick the switch, fill in the time sheet, complete the evaluation, sign the form, straighten the tie, check the valves, lubricate the drain, call the kids, and then touch the button. there's so much more. and it's actually a little overwhelming when one really thinks about it.

i don't think you understand - my mom was turned off because he was putting in too much salt!!

thats serious! as men, we are constantly judged and critiqued by every woman everywhere deciding whether or not they would, or will, sleep with us!! and as i understand it, there is only one thing a man can do about that...

not a damn thing.

be yourself.


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