Saturday, November 26, 2005


i've always felt as though flying in war had to be alot like walking through a crowd of people. or vic a versa (or however you spell that). often times, i walk in crowded malls, or in rush-hour subway stations, or busy streets and easily find myself thinking i was a pilot, whizzing my way through obstacles. i have to zip past this person, or in between these two people, or out of the way of this object - all without losing speed. or if i do have to increase or decrease my speed, i can only do so in the manner that won't be abrupt or sudden, because people are walking behind me and are flying just as i am. and if you really think about it, the enemy planes in battle don't want to crash just like I wouldn't want to crash as a pilot - so when i'm walking, it's interesting to see how people are navigating out of my way just as i navigate out of theirs. i dunno, just something to think about while you're walking i guess.


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