moreso a sheperd 2

as a continuation of "moreso a sheperd", i would like to point out that the end of this school year was not an easy landing. as you can tell, i fell asleep during a field trip. to a certain degree, i have justified this, but in all honesty, there is no justification. i was tired, and i dozed off during the 3rd inning of a bring baseball game, and was foolish enough to let it get caught on camera. (for those losing their minds about this, i was sitting with a number of other they weren't unsupervised; no children were harmed in the making of this story).
the purpose of this continuation though, isn't the whole falling asleep bit, but rather than fact that, once again, had to to ward off the wolves.
after the 3rd inning, i realized i was falling asleep and decided to figure out how to stop it. i turned and saw that the cause of it, however, wasn't that i was that tired, or even that bored, but because the people behind me were sitting in such a way that i had to sit up and have my hands suppot my head (as pictured). this is also how i fall asleep on the toilet. in any case though, i moved my seat and found it much easier to stay awake and keep an eye on the students. and allow me to note here, that despite how much NY kids may be into a baseball game, they are still just as likely, if not more, to find something to get into. but given that it was hot, long day, it wasn't that bad. one kid made another kid cry beause they were talking about their daddy; one kid made my top student curse her out because they accused her of spreading rumors; and for a moment, i was stuck outside of the stadium with the worst student of the class as he decided it would be best to throw a wiffle ball against the side of the entrance, almost getting into a fight with another school single-handedly by accidently hitting them with the ball.
relatively, that's not bad.
what was taxing though, an incident that happened around 8th inning, when my girls started getting a little restless. it first started with one or two standing a few rows down from me and smiling to the next stand. i assumed they saw some of the students from the other class and were cracking jokes, as usual, so i didn't bother them. yet, when about 5 more of my 12-13 year old lady students moved closer to the end of the row the others were on, smiling harder and laughing flirtatious like, it was then that i looked over and saw the several boys they identified as "cute". apparently, a number of schools caught the same deal we caught and brought their students to the ball game. including some high schools, one of which had several pseudo-thugs that seemed to be confused as to whether or not they wanted to be chris brown, or the game; either way, they had successully caught the attention of 8 of my girl students. so, almost instantly after realized the situation, i moved the girls back to the other side of the row. knowing that the gig was up, they didn't put up much of a fight, they simply moved to the other side of the row, though a few were still looking. but 5 minutes later, who do i see stalk-walking their little lanky asses over to our section of the stadium?! "the nerve of these dudes," i thought to myself, "fuckin new york!" my girls, upon seeing them, got gittery and excited, letting out shrills of "Oh My God, girl!" and "oh shit, they're coming" and "quit cursing, mr. wilborn is looking at you!" i let the dudes get right about to where i was, sitting in the middle of a row, with my girls being to the far right, and simply said to them, "hey huys, go back with your group." they looked at me as if i had asked the for their pride. so i said, simply, but with a little more force, "leave the girls alone, go back to your group." these jokes loked at me again, and walked a little to my left, murmuring under their breath, and sat down near me, as if to say, "we're not going back to our group, fuck you". and with that, realizing that i'm not their teacher, i let them sit. yet, at the same time, i put down my soda and tied my shoes. there would be no way i was going to let them get near my girls. after a few minutes, they looked over at me. we met ees for a minute in a clear stare-down, and that was all. they got up, and went back to their fucking group.
my silly little girls got even more gittery, and one came over to give me a high five, exclaiming "we sure showed them, mr. wilborn!" i looked at her like she was crazy and told her to go sit down.
later, as in 7 minutes later, all the girls came to me and asked if they could go to the bathroom, as if i had "STUPID" tattoed across my cheekbone. i told them no, and they tried to assure me that it was okay, because my 6th grade boys would be accompanying them. again, i told them to go sit down. my boys are just as protective as i am aganinst the girls, and just like me, they would fight over them if something were to happen. yet, it's ok for me to go to jail. not them.
all in all, a shepeard is a sheperd. and whether it be protecting the flock against high school boys at the baseball game, kidnappers at the movie theatres, cars on the street, and even each other - they are a herd of human beings that don't know any better, and as such, assuming any different will be handing the sheep over to the wolves.
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