Saturday, May 20, 2006

moreso a sheperd

i don't know if and when you read this blog, but screw you lenny. moreso is a word, several people have used it in the last week. no, not mo-res-o. moreso. more-so. you, and others like you, that have told me that's it's not a word, have messed up my whole lexicon. i hesitate everytime i say, write, type, or want to utilize it in any sense. true, it's not in this good Apple dictionary right now, but what does a Mac know anyway (except how to take my money in Soho and make me press F9 all day because it looks cool).

anyway, i sit here now because i need the rest. i need the off day. i have had a reat weekend up to this point (saturday night) and i don't want to mess it up. in all honesty, this night was reserved for "the da vinci code", but i heard from 7 different people that it's a bigger disappointment than tevin cambell's career. for those that are not familiar with tevin cambell though, picutre walking up to a gorgeous human being in the club, only to start up a conversation and their breath smells like rat shit, to the point where it makes you want to vomit. like, you gag. that's how bad i heard the da vinci code movie is. gagging rat shit breath-tevin cambell career bad.

ah, so much for high hopes.

so i am sitting here, making the conscious decision to make it a apartment night. taking care of my "to do" list, writing a blog, watching a movie (probably "the grudge"), and ordering something i can induldge in. maybe papa johns' "the works", or some breakfast. i dunno. it's 9pm, the night's young and i've had a 3 hour nap.

why so tired though? well, it's been a long week. we've beeen taking the kids (my students) on a few more field trips as it moves into the end of the year. we've been on four this semester alone, and will probably go on four more by the end of june. yeah, these kids don't get out of school unti l he end of june. ridiculous. one thing that i've noticed though, is that a teachers job (which includes everything from disciplinarian, counselor, educator, confidant, and mentor) also includes being a sheperd. you see, in all truth, i can't equate it to anything else. walking in the streets of new york with 90 12-year olds, is an act of sheperding. 4 teachers and 90 kids. we have to get them in line, have them accounted for, and walk. this is new york, we've walked and subwayed to all but one field trip.

friday we went to go see hoot. we lined the kids up. i like mine to be on the buddy system, though i can't remember what movie that was from. you know, the one where the lifegaurd is a jerk, and someone asks, aren't you supposed to be watching the kids in the lake, and he says, as he stops reading the newspaper, "i am, their on the buddy system..." then he screams "BUDDY!", and the kids scream back "BUDDYYYYY!" granted, if they have their buddy. i like the buddy system actually. so, friday morning, we get in our two-by-two buddy lines and start for the subway. the movies isn't far, but still you have to be careful with kids dragging behind or getting snatched. snatching is all bad. we make it to the subway, from the subway to the train, from the train to the movies, where the teachers get in line and pay. are the kids alright standing on the side of the movie building - "Buddy!", "BUDDYYYY!" - "Buddy!", "BUDDYYYYYYYYY!!" cool, they're alright.

as we're paying for the tickets though, two sketchy old men are standing by asking questions about the kids. one is much older and had a grey (or gray) beard down to his chest. he asked what movie the hundred children are about to see, and i tell him "hoot, you know, we're studying environmental issues". he laughs and walks away. the other lingers a while though. this one looks as though he might be about mid to late-30's, dressed in a dirty army fatigue jacket, some dark blue pants with bleach stains on them, and a brown dingy cap that made me think of deep georgia rednecks. he smelled like a wolve. not that i know what a wolve smells like, but it can't be much different. he starts asking about the kids, and their movie and all that, and i just stare at him and try to rush him off. and i thought he went away until i saw him in line at the concession stand while the kids were getting their drinks and popcorn.

so needless to say, i followed him to his movie to make sure i knew where the hell HE was supposed to be. and needlesser to say, i only saw 15 minutes of the movie due to the fact that i followed every kid that left to go to the bathroom or went back to the concession stand. from those 15 minutes, Hoot seemed to be an alright movie. probably better than The Da Vinci Code.

and who knows, i might have even saved a kid's life.

the picture you see is here is of me watching over the kids as they played and ate lunch at Union Square Park. i would put up the pics of the kids, but i'm not a fan of posting 12-year-old's pictures on the internet. no matter how innocent, especially on a public website, and especially being the kids of my job. family reunions and stuff like that are another issue.

we made it back save and had all of our kids accounted four, which is always good. they weren't angels, but they were good. they represented the school well, and even MORESO represented themselves well. i mean, they're 6th graders, of course they're going to digress away from the teachers and huddle together to secretly discuss the rules of freeze tag. what else are they going to do.

and as the sheperd, i have to know, and expect, the behavior of the flock. excuse that which is excusable, and discipline that which is not. all for the sake of the sheep. that way, we have no casualites, no accidents, and no disppointments. it's just plain consideration. but try and tell that to ron howard.


Blogger lenny said...


6/06/2006 5:07 PM  

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