Tuesday, August 16, 2005

what love calls for

in recent conversations, between my cousins and i, we have strongly discussed the topic of love. these conversations have caused each of us to critically look at our own relationships in new light. to evaluate them. to judge them.

in one such conversation, i was drawn to a certain idea. sacrifice.

in essence, what is love but sacrifice? a pure, concentrated, purpose-driven giving from one being to another. most parents give their all for the children they blindly love, not knowing what type of person they are or will become. culturally speaking, it is the mother that often sacrifices her goals and lifestyle to care and love for her children. and quite so, having carried and nurse an infant for months on end, mothers instinctly feel a greater bond with a child, a deeper love even.

biblically speaking, "for God so loved the earth that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish but have everlasting life". His son, on the other hand, gave his life. Willingly, he asks of his father to "forgive them, for they know not what they do". God gave his son. Jesus gave his life. Both for the love of humanity, and for reasons no living mind may ever comprehend.

all for love.

there are women who sit next to their husbands in the depths of comas, waiting for them to return. there are men, still with their wives with the knowledge that they cannot bear children. there are boyfriends who talk on the phone with their girlfriends every friday night because their daddy thinks they're too young to go out. there are women waiting for their men to get out of prison.


soldiers die everyday for their country. athletes almost kill themselves for glory. poilcemen lay lives on the line every single day. sacrifice.


time, energy, life, death, money, religion, and more. everyday, every hour, every minute, someone is sacrificing something for someone, or something they "love". so i ask the question, "is love defined by what one is willing to sacrifice?" will you really do anything for the one you're with? what will you stand? what will you go through? what will you endure for the love of your significant other? and where is the threshold? where is the line drawn between "love" and "goodbye"? when is love not enough for you to stay? what will make you walk? what will you sacrifice for the ones you truly love?

for every true love sacrifices something.


Blogger rhwj said...

ah, but before one comments here, allow me to continue. in an ealier blog "love and such", i state that my experience with love has led me to believe that love is fused with hate. that the two share a bond, seperated by a line so thin, they are inexplicably linked. "emotional insanity". yet, i cry pardon to bring attention to question, "is hate not manifested in sacrifice as well?" is resentment and turmoil foreign to sacrifice? i say no. the woman laying next to her comatose husband, sacrificing her time for love, still resents. the husband who will never be a true father because of his wife's empty womb, sacrifices his fatherhood to stay, but still resents. even Jesus, did he not pray to God that this task of death be taken from him on the night he was betrayed?

i hold true, that these thoughts are shaped by my experiences. and through those experiences i have been led to the notion that love is in essence sacrifice. but even within the framework of sacrifice lies hurt, turmoil, resentment, and hate.

there wll come a time when all must choose.

8/18/2005 4:34 PM  
Blogger viridiansun said...

What's your threshold?

9/01/2005 11:30 PM  

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