i've come to find that i've been homesick. didn't even know it until i went back to atlanta for a few days. i found myself standing in my living room and breathing in the atmosphere, actually taking in the essence of home that i have yet to feel in the city. i laid in my bed and stayed under the coves for hours. i sat on the toilet and didn't even have to shit. just sat there and read for a while. i took a shower, that was more like me just resting in water than actual bathing. it was great. i was home.
it started on tuesday. richard picked me up and i surprised everyone in the house. i walked in on my brother getting out the shower buck-naked. i called my little sister on her phone and then tackled her as soon as she let her gaurd down. i crawled into my grandma's room like a little puppy. and took a bubble bath in my parents tub. my mom walked in on me chest high in bubbles, smiling. my dad, whom was told that the toilet was overflowing, was walking up the steps cursing our everyone. "ya'll always floodin the damn toilet. ya'll did that mess last week!!..." then he walked in on "bubble bath reggie". and started cussing me out for having me have him walk up the stairs. i told him, "no, i'm the surprise, but the toilet is still over-flowing!" mad again, he walked over to the "toilet closet" (i don't quite know how to explain the toilet closet - its the size of a small closet, with a toilet in it, since it's a his/her bathroom). so he walks over to the toilet closet and opens the door. there, he is surprised once again, by recieving a full, uncensored view of my 18-year-old brothers naked ass. my brother even waved it at him a little.
it was a great weeked. now, back in the city, i still miss it some. but i'm glad i went. i don't think i'll be back for a while, but it reminded me of how important home could be.
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