random jabble
i sat down here with an attempt to be deep. with some sort of purpose or goal to enrich someones mind or spirit. but i don't have anything right now. i'm empty, and, in hindsight, i've been empty for a while. after thinking about my lack of things to write, i have come to evaluate that which i have learned to treasure, that which i believe makes people, that which i believe shapes our lives.
throughout my lifetime, i have learned to treasure two things. time, and experience.
time, as we understand it, is the one thing that embodies all eternity, and simultaneously, the one thing we never truly have enough of. we are all victims of time. we live by it and dictate our actions accordingly. we measure it and survey it for the likes of our culture and society. we create it and waste it for our own personal use. a cartoon character once said, "Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life-forms to monitor their ongoing decay" - Thunderclese. i am one to treasure time, because like all others, i graciously live within it's infinite domain.
experiece is what i believe defines us. we are a summation of our experiences. our memories, our actions, and our tendencies are all shaped by the experiences that we accumulate throughout life. my dad doesn't like cats because he was scratched by one as a child. we've had dogs for years. now i'm a dog person. my kids will have dogs. one will bite my youngest one on the leg. he will then fear dogs for the rest of his life. he will be a bird person. and probably a homosexual. "not that there's anything wrong with that." so long-story short, because my dad got scratched by a cat when he was a kid, he'll never have grandchildren. hypothetically speaking.
saying all that to say, lately, time and experience have been on hold for me. i haven't been doing much in the recent days really. i've been going to new teacher orientation, which has been redundant of the whole summer, eating, and sleeping. i have things i need to do, which i will start doing today, but i really haven't had any experiences that have spawned thought deep enough to spawn the deep thought i want to write right now.
hell, i feel like being deep. right now.
maybe i'll just settle for random jabble for this blog though.
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