so what sucks is that everytime i get on the cpu and begin to write a blog, i get halfway through before i have to leave again. i end up saving them as "drafts" or finishing them abrubtly with a bogus elipses at the end of the last sentence. it's never my cpu. i'm either at the library or a friend's place or something. anything. either they have to use it, or i run out of time and have to get somewhere, or the library is closing early because some gap-toothed slut has to catch a date before her work study hours are over.
i apologize. i should have called her gap-toothed.
regardless of how you want to portray the orally handicapped, i find it outrageous how one can be so handicapped without fair access to the internet these days. its nothing that is ever truly noticed when it's easily available. at least not by me.
you name it. phone numbers. networking. business transactions. university protocal. organization updates. apartment hunting. directions. restaurant menus. pornography. weather. fashion trends. it's all internet. from the department of education to facebook.com, so much releys on the internet that it's more popular than library cards. hell, on an urban grand scale, you'll find the internet more often than mayonaisse, trash bags, and mops in the average household. although, the Swiffer accounts moreso for the last one.
so with all that said...
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