prom pic 05

what can i say. as quoted by the great stitch, "this is my family". yes, my brother treats his baby like a football. my little sister is yelling at the camera man. my mom is fussing at my sister about her dress. i'm doing magic tricks. my sister's prom date is attempting to look down our cousins shirt. our cousin is attempting to do a booty shot in a family photo. and our aunt marla is actually in the middle of a jump to try to get in the picture.
my dad, at the moment of this frozen piece of time is either behind the camera, or sitting in his underwear eating chicken in the living room. richard, whom is a cousin on the weekends, an uncle on mondays, and a brother for the rest of the week, is either behind the camera or eating chicken in his underwear in the living room. somebody is in their underwear in the living room. i just forgot who.
my brother and i are in a good mood in this picture, not because out little sister is going to her first (real) prom, but really because we just successfully threatened our first real prom date. i mean, it really went smoothly. for years my brother and i have been talking about pulling out guns on our sister's prom date! for it to have actually happened...and well!? we were excited! in a nutshell, i had a man-to-man with the date in the living room, calmly moving a pistol from one pocket to another as i suggested they have a "safe" night. my brother decided to take the more subtle route of carrying a shotgun under a tshirt to the driver of the car (some other teenage punk that was slick enough to have a car). we said what we had to say, and left it at that. it was poetry.
so yeah, my fam. i just came across this picture and thought i'd show it some bloglove.
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