taste the soup
over christmas break, my momma fed me medicine.
so with that said, let me tell you women something. if you got a man, and you want to keep thatman, you'll do well to know that when he's sick, he turns into a 3 month old baby. how do i know? because i go the whole house sick, including my year-old nephew.
and i have to admit, while he was sick, he was great. he just sat there, too sick to move or get into anything. he just laid around, looking adorably lax and doped-up.
but i was sitting right there with him. me, the baby, and my brother...all three of us sick. and my momma and sister took care of us.
i don't care how sexist it sounds!! listen - or be a lonely, prideful, stubborn scallywag!!! if your man is sick, and he's laying around half-dead, take care of his baby ass! we will leave a woman for not feeding up chicken soup while we're sick. shit, at least fix the soup. taste the soup to see it's too hot or something!! you've got to. we'll take nothing less.
it's either that or deal with it later. you're gonna need something.
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